Tag: education

Don’t scrap it just yet! Primary English as a Foreign Language education is associated with motivation and anxiety

English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education at the primary level does not only lead to progress in terms of language learning. A study has shown that learners from the south-west of Germany displayed higher levels of achievement motivation and lower levels of inhibiting exam anxiety the longer they were exposed to primary EFL classes.

Let’s get this out of the way: We can all agree that the German system of education is in trouble. More than 30 % of its ninth-formers do not develop sufficient reading skills. Likewise, more than 30 % of primary schoolers do not attain acceptable standards regarding their spelling skills. The situation is dire. But how can it be remedied?

One suggestion which has repeatedly been put forward is the enhancement of spelling practice at the primary level. Who could disagree? Another suggestion concerns primary English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education. Opinions here are less unequivocal, ranging from “enhance it” to “scrap it altogether”.

The more primary EFL lessons, the more motivation and the less exam anxiety

Truthfully, primary EFL has often been reported to yield linguistically questionable results. However, children learn more in these lessons than a foreign language: A study (my own, incidentally) published in the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism shows that more than six years after leaving primary school, primary EFL lessons are associated with higher levels of motivation and lower levels of exam anxiety.

Data were collected in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, in the south-west of Germany. At the time of data collection, participants were attending Year 11, with only one further year of secondary education ahead of them. When these students were attending primary school, primary EFL had not been fully implemented across the state. As a result, the majority (228 students) had not taken part in primary EFL at all, while others had experienced either two years (116 students) or four years (71 students) of primary EFL education.

The data on motivation, anxiety and verbal intelligence used in this study came from a database compiled for a project investigating the development of writing skills in relation to diverse educational settings, learner biographies and individual differences such as motivation, anxiety and cognitive capacities.

FLM 7-13: A questionnaire covering motivation and anxiety in adolescents

Motivation and anxiety were measured with the achievement motivation questionnaire FLM 7-13 (Fragebogen zur Leistungsmotivation für Schüler der 7. bis 13. Klasse; achievement motivation questionnaire for students from Year 7 to 13). The questionnaire consists of the following five individual measures:

  • Orientation towards performance and success: This scale combines hope of success with the desire to expand one’s own scope of competence.
  • Perseverance and effort: This scale combines the notion of hope of success with information on self-control and self-discipline.
  • Activating exam anxiety: Activating exam anxiety describes a positive emotion related to eagerness and the willingness to take risks in exam situations.
  • Inhibiting exam anxiety: This scale describes the debilitating aspect of anxiety, i.e. a passive fear of failure.
  • Fear of success: Fear of success is a psychological barrier to achievement. It is based on the belief that success will cause negative consequences such as social rejection.

In the context of primary EFL, three of these scales proved to be of long-term relevance: Orientation towards performance and success, perseverance and effort, and inhibiting exam anxiety (cf. Figure 1).

The chart is a bar chart representing three groups of learners: No primary EFL, 2 years and 4 years of primary EFL. The bars show that learners display more orientation towards performance and success as well as perseverance and effort and less inhibiting exam anxiety the longer they took part in EFL classes at the primary level.
Figure 1: Primary EFL is associated with motivation and anxiety

The more primary EFL lessons, the more orientation towards performance and success

Out of the three groups of students, those who had attended four years of primary EFL displayed the highest levels of orientation towards performance and success more than six years later. Students with no primary EFL experience attained the lowest levels, with the two-year group being located in between.

This trend was found to be particularly visible as well as statistically significant with the following items which students responded to:

  • I aspire to be one of the best students at school.
  • I strive to perform better than most other students.

The more primary EFL lessons, the more perseverance and effort

The situation was similar for perseverance and effort: The longer students had taken part in primary EFL, the higher their scores. The tendency was particulary visible in response to the item “When I cannot perform a task immediately, I try everything to find a solution.”

The more primary EFL lessons, the less inhibiting exam anxiety

Regarding inhibiting exam anxiety, the reverse situation was observed: The longer students had experienced primary EFL, the lower their anxiety levels more than six years later.

The trend was particularly significant when students responded to the following statements:

  • When I have to perform a difficult task, I am afraid of failing.
  • I only take part in classroom discussions when I am certain that my answer is correct.

PSB-R 6-13: An intelligence test for adolescents

Cognitive capacities were measured with the intelligence test PSB-R 6-13 (Prüfsystem für Schul- und Bildungsberatung für 6. bis 13. Klassen). This test comprises scales on verbal intelligence, reasoning and concentration. Verbal intelligence, in turn, consists of subtests for word recognition, word fluency and verbal relations.

Early primary EFL is associated with weaker word recognition in German

Only one result regarding word recognition was found to be of relevance in the context of primary EFL (cf. Figure 2). This subtest consists of five individual tasks with a context-related heading and a list of twenty words, with a misspelling in each of the given words. Students have to recognize the word which fits the given heading and indicate where the misspelling occurs. The group which had taken part in four years of primary EFL education recognized significantly fewer words than the other groups. In other words, early onset of primary EFL education may impair learners’ ability to correctly identify words in German more than six years later.

The chart is a bar chart representing three groups of learners: No primary EFL, 2 years and 4 years of primary EFL. The bars show that learners' word recognition skills are worse the longer they took part in EFL classes at the primary level. Bars for word fluency and verbal relations are shaded in grey as findings were non-signficant.
Figure 2: Primary EFL is associated with word recognition skills (results for word fluency and verbal relations were non-significant)

Primary EFL: Don’t scrap it altogether!

So, is there a point in retaining primary EFL education? There certainly is. As participants in the study had no control of how much EFL education they would get, it is safe to assume that findings regarding motivation and anxiety are not based on any kind of selectivity within the system of education. In other words, we can assume that primary EFL influences students’ capacities for self-regulation. On the other hand, it may contribute to lower reading and spelling proficiency in German.

Decisions should certainly be taken on the basis of empirical rather than anecdotal evidence. Cutting down on the number of EFL lessons and years in primary schools seems fine, but ending primary EFL altogether would certainly be throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Möller, V. (2018). Promoting bilingualism at the primary and secondary level: the role of intelligence, motivation and anxiety. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2018.1559795

Cognitive decline is associated even with mild Covid – Can we now talk about indoor air hygiene?

Cognitive impairment occurs even after asymptomatic or mild Covid disease, as a study conducted at Imperial College London shows. Cognitive decline affects memory, verbal intelligence and spatial thinking in particular. Long Covid sufferers experience the greatest losses.

Whether it is demands for a review of the containment measures adopted during the pandemic or shouts of “Covid is over!” to people who still have to or choose to wear masks: It is hard to avoid the impression that Germany has now definitely entered a post-pandemic reality. Consequently, air hygiene measures are now also being scaled back. HEPA filters in educational establishments – if ever they did exist – are now mostly meeting one of the following fates:

  • Scrapping
  • Storage “until the next pandemic”
  • Lack of maintenance
  • Ban on use.

Where none of these apply, they are often simply being ignored. After all, children, teenagers and young adults are supposed to forget the difficult times they experienced during the pandemic. Air hygiene would only get in the way. Or would it?

Study reveals cognitive decline after Covid-19

SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the pandemic, seems unconcerned: Wastewater monitoring by the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s federal agency for disease control and prevention, showed an unprecedented peak in wastewater contamination with SARS-CoV-2 in December 2023. This went largely unnoticed, while Germans never ceased to be puzzled over the numbers of staff on sick leave. However, the virus still demands to be noticed, as even mild Covid leads to a decline in cognitive abilities, as shown in a study by a research team led by Adam Hampshire of the Medical Faculty at Imperial College London. Their article was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

People with long-term impairments following a Covid infection in particular report concentration problems, word-finding difficulties and similar symptoms which suggest a decline in cognitive abilities, i.e. abilities related to a person’s intelligence. In their study, the researchers therefore collected data using the Cognitron battery, an intelligence test that measures verbal and non-verbal reasoning and planning as well as working memory. More than 140,000 people took part in the study and almost 113,000 completed all tasks.

Since the researchers were primarily interested in finding out whether cognitive impairments depend on the duration and severity of a Covid illness, the participants were assigned to the following groups:

  • Not infected with Covid
  • Infected with Covid, but asymptomatic
  • Infected, with symptoms that resolved after less than four weeks
  • Infected, with symptoms that resolved after four to twelve weeks
  • Infected, with symptoms that resolved after more than twelve weeks
  • Infected, with symptoms that remained unresolved after more than twelve weeks and were still present at the time of data collection (“Long Covid”).

Earlier variants caused more damage than later ones

The fact that the virus kept changing during data collection was taken into account by sorting participants into groups according to the variant prevailing at the time of infection:

  • Original virus: up to 30/11/2020
  • Alpha (B.1.1.7.): 01/12/2020 to 30/04/2021
  • Delta (B.1.617.2): 01/05/2021 to 15/12/2021
  • Omicron (B.1.1.529): 16/12/2021 to 31/03/2022, which marked the end of data collection.

Good news first: With the transition to the Delta and, later, the Omicron variant, cognitive decline decreased. While it was still 0.32 standard deviations (SD) for the original virus, it is only 0.16 SD with Omicron, i.e. half as much.

Results may be represented in points on the IQ scale

Standard deviations are, for instance, used in intelligence tests to represent results. Thus, the IQ scale is defined by a  mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Hence, if you move 15 points to the left and 15 points to the right from the mean value, this defines the range of intelligence that is commonly referred to as “average”. Average intelligence therefore means an IQ of 85 and 115. Slightly more than 68% of the population attain an IQ between 85 and 115. Values below 85 count as below average, values above 115 as above average.

A loss of 0.32 SD with the original virus therefore means a decline in cognitive abilities corresponding to 4.8 IQ points. Accordingly, a decline of 2.4 IQ points is to be expected with Omicron.

Cognitive decline occurs with all degrees of severity

A decline in cognitive abilities can even be observed with asymptomatic infections (see Figure 1). A loss corresponding to around 2.6 IQ points can be expected here. With symptomatic infections, the decline is similar regardless of how long it takes for the symptoms to resolve: A decline of between 3.5 and 3.9 IQ points was observed in those groups. People affected by Long Covid face the greatest problem: The frequently reported issues with reasoning, word finding and memory correspond to a loss of around 6.3 IQ points.

Chart shows cognitive decline according to duration and severity of Covid-19
Figure 1: Cognitive decline according to duration and severity of Covid-19

Memory is one of the most severely affected cognitive abilities (see Figure 2). Although all people who have been infected with Covid are affected, Long Covid sufferers have to cope with the greatest losses regarding immediate and delayed memory.

Chart shows cognitive decline regarding immediate and delayed memory after Covid-19
Figure 2: Cognitive decline after Covid-19 – Immediate and delayed memory

The area of verbal intelligence is also affected (see Figure 3). While there are similar losses with asymptomatic infection and symptoms which have not persisted, Long Covid sufferers again show the greatest decline for both word definitions and verbal reasoning based on analogies.

Chart shows cognitive decline regarding verbal intelligence after Covid-19
Figure 3: Cognitive decline after Covid-19 – Verbal analogical reasoning and word definitions

Spatial planning is also impaired in all groups (see Figure 4). Again, Long Covid sufferers are those who have to live with the steepest declines, although all groups who have been infected with Covid are concerned.

Chart shows cognitive decline regarding spatial planning after Covid-19
Figure 4: Cognitive decline after Covid-19 – Spatial planning

Educational institutions must protect learners’ cognitive skills

What does this mean for education? Schools take pride in providing learners with the best possible support to match their cognitive abilities. This should include ensuring that those cognitive abilities are not knowingly jeopardised. It is therefore still important to avoid Covid infection wherever possible.

The city of Bradford has shown how this can be done: The use of HEPA filters reduced the number of Covid infections amongst pupils by more than 20 %. The number of lessons cancelled due to teachers on sick leave can be reduced in the much the same way. Air filters will also reduce the number of Long Covid cases amongst teaching staff. Thus, the quality of teaching can be maintained, as cognitive impairments will lead to changes in lesson organisation and classroom management, and will also increase stress in teachers.

Indoor air hygiene must become a normal fact of life if we wish to maintain the cognitive performance of the current and future workforce.

Hampshire, A., A. Azor, C. Atchison, W. Trender, P.J. Hellyer, V. Giunchiglia, M. Husain, G.S. Cooke, E. Cooper, A. Lound, C.A. Donnelly, M. Chadeau‑Hyam, H. Ward & P. Elliott (2024). Cognition and memory after Covid-19 in a large community sample. The New England Journal of Medicine, 390(9).

Teacher burnout is related to physical illness: “We rely on teachers to not give a *** about themselves.”

For years, the US has been talking about The Great Teacher Resignation. “The education crisis was very much here way before Covid,” says Anna Sutter, former teacher and director of school counselling in an opinion video by Agnes Walton and Nic Pollock, published by the New York Times. “I was spinning 100 plates, and I only had the capacity to spin 25 plates.” OECD data shows that even in 2016 – years before the Covid pandemic hit – sizable proportions of teaching staff were quitting their jobs. Germany, on the other hand, still considers itself shielded from the phenomenon. German teachers are well paid, right? Most of them are in tenured positions, civil servants even. What’s not to love?

Yet, just like other countries the world over, Germany is facing shortages of teaching staff. Some federal states have come up with a solution: Part-time options – frequently chosen by teachers to reduce the mental load and physical burden that comes with the profession – have been restricted. This will cost us dearly, because teacher burnout is related to physical illness, as a metastudy by Daniel J. Madigan, Lisa E. Kim, Hanna L. Glandorf and Owen Kavanagh of York St John University and the University of York, UK, shows.

Teacher burnout affects countries across the world

Burnout is a condition which develops when a person experiences chronic work-related stress. They will feel emotionally exhausted, they might become cynical as a response, and the passion which they once felt for teaching may wane. They feel less competent than they used to do. As a result, they get the impression that they get less work done.

To investigate how burnout is related to physical illness in teachers, Madigan and his colleagues reviewed 21 studies involving a total of more than 5,000 teachers. Teachers in the studies came from Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Luxemburg, Poland, South Africa, Slovakia, Spain, Ukraine and the USA. Almost 60 percent of them were female. On average, they were 43.3 years old and had been teaching for 14.4 years. In some of the studies, burnout was treated as a categorical variable, which means that teachers were sorted into two groups according to whether they were experiencing a high or low level of burnout symptoms. In others, burnout was represented as a continuum. To measure burnout symptoms, most of the studies used the Maslach Burnout Inventory, which covers three dimensions:

  • Emotional exhaustion (feelings of emotional overextension caused by the workplace)
  • Depersonalization (an impersonal and seemingly unfeeling response to one’s profession and students)
  • Personal accomplishment (feelings of competence and achievement).

Burnout is associated with a variety of physical health conditions

As is the case for other professions, teacher burnout is related to myriad physical health conditions. Teachers with a high level of burnout symptoms suffer from headaches in general, and migraines in particular. They experience back pain, skin rash, and disorders of the digestive system, which may be as specific as gastroenteritis, an inflammation of the stomach and/or intestine. One of the more teacher-specific physical health problems concerns their voice. Some teachers may, for instance, experience a complete loss of voice. Teachers have also been shown to suffer from temporomandibular joint dysfunction, a condition which affects the muscles that move the jaw, and which can cause difficulties in speaking and eating, pain, tinnitus and dizziness.

Cardiovascular disorders, which concern the heart and blood vessels, have also been shown to be related to teacher burnout. Amongst the heart function indices used in the studies which were reviewed, burnout was positively associated with sympathetic activity. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for increasing heart rate when responding to stressful situations. A positive association therefore means that teachers with burnout symptoms were displaying increased heart rates. On the other hand, burnout was negatively related with parasympathetic activity, which is responsible for controlling heart rate during times of rest. A negative association means that rest and recovery do not work well in teachers with burnout symptoms.

Physical health conditions in teachers with strong burnout symptoms
Physical health conditions in teachers with strong burnout symptoms

Teacher burnout affects their cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone which, in healthy people, regulates a person’s response to stress, their blood pressure, blood sugar and metabolism, which is the process that converts food into energy. Chronic stress has a two-fold impact on cortisol levels. Initially, cortisol levels will be raised as the body is struggling to regulate its responses. The longer this is required though, the less cortisol the body will produce, and cortisol levels will fall below what is the norm in healthy people. It is therefore unsurprising that teacher burnout was found to be associated with both above- and below-the-norm cortisol levels.

Burnout also affects cytokines. Cytokines are proteins which may be viewed as messengers between cells of the immune system. They are responsible for the body’s response to infection, inflammation and cancer. Teachers with a high level of burnout symptoms displayed lower anti-inflammatory responses and higher pro-inflammatory responses. In other words, their body fights disease less well and even contributes to the development of new inflammatory diseases.

Pathways to physical illness: Immune system, stress response, unhealthy behaviour

The researchers suggest three different pathways which might lead to the association between teacher burnout and physical health problems. As has been shown above, stress can lead to a person’s immune system being compromised. In addition, chronic stress may cause the body to become less effective in responding to stress in adequate ways. Last but not least, chronic stress may lead a person to engage in unhealthy behaviour more that they would normally do. For instance, they may smoke more and drink more alcohol, which, in turn, causes health problems.

Unsurprisingly, burnout and its associated physical health problems affect teachers’ personal lives in a variety of ways. They will influence their mood, general life satisfaction and mental health, creating long-term physical and mental health conditions. Interpersonal consequences include conflict, irritability and a reduced capacity for communication. The latter in particular will impact the quality of teaching and the wellbeing of students.

Ignoring teacher burnout will cost us dearly

The researchers emphasize that there is a need for more awareness of the consequences of teacher burnout. As burnout interventions, they cite mindfulness, cognitive-behavioural, social and emotional learning-based programmes. They do, however, add, that changes will have to take place at the organizational level as well: “[G]iven the potential cost of burnout for physical health and associated problems, it is likely intervention benefits will be significant, and possibly exceed outlay costs.”

Nevertheless, few countries seem to seriously consider this approach. “We rely on teachers to not give a *** about themselves,” says Anna Sutter. “We rely on teachers to not care about themselves. We rely on teachers to not know their worth and to not know what they deserve.” This ignorance will cost us dearly.

Madigan, D. J., L. E. Kim, H. L. Glandorf & O. Kavanagh (2023). Teacher burnout and physical health: A systematic review. International Journal of Educational Research, 119, 102173.

German teachers face more mental health problems than general public

A study conducted at the Medical Centre of the University of Freiburg found that the mental health of teachers in Baden-Württemberg is significantly worse than that of the population as a whole. The researchers’ conclusion: Better risk assessment and implementation of programmes to maintain the mental health of teachers.

They were looking for a suitable instrument to analyse the mental health of teachers. But they found much more: Teachers suffer significantly more from mental health issues than the general population in Germany. They may, for instance, feel constantly under strain, unable to enjoy day-to-day activities, or just not reasonably happy, as a study by Sarah Susanne Lütke Lanfer, Ruth Pfeifer, Claas Lahmann and Alexander Wünsch shows.

Collection of mental health data requires suitable tools

Previous studies from various countries had already shown that teachers feel weighed down by their workload, administrative tasks, inadequate breaks and negative experiences with learners, parents and colleagues. Mental health issues not only lead to absences, but also to a drop in the quality of education and relationships. The researchers have therefore developed the Freiburg Manual-Based Psychological Group Programme, which focuses on social support, rethinking one’s own coping strategies, practising relaxation techniques and learning about neuroscientific aspects. To measure success in the prevention of mental illness, the scientists examined whether the General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12), a questionnaire with twelve questions on mental health, is a suitable tool for professionals in education.

Representative samples for the general population and teachers

GHQ-12 has been translated into various languages and was tested for Germany in 2013 by Matthias Romppel, Elmar Braehler, Marcus Roth and Heide Glaesmer. More than 3,000 people between the ages of 14 and 93 took part in their study. The result was a representative sample of the German population. Around 4,000 teachers from the Freiburg Group Programme took part in the study by Lütke Lanfer’s group between 2012 and 2020, more than 80% being female. Different age groups, school types and life situations are also included in the sample. Hence, although the sample is not representative of the population as a whole, it may be viewed as being representative of teachers in Germany. GHQ-12 can therefore be used to compare the mental health of teachers with that of the population as a whole.

Increased risk of emotional exhaustion, depression and burnout

GHQ-12 collects data on mental health through self-assessment on a scale from 0 to 3. 0 stands for the lowest level of stress, 3 for the highest. When comparing the scores obtained by teachers with those of the population as a whole, it is noticeable that teachers are more stressed in almost all areas (see figure):

  • Teachers have a stronger feeling of being constantly under strain.
  • They find less enjoyment in day-to-day activities.
  • Overall, they do not feel reasonably happy with their lives to the same extent.
  • They are less able to concentrate on what they are doing.
  • They lose more sleep over worry.
  • They feel more often unhappy and depressed.
  • They are under the impression that they are less able to overcome difficulties.
  • They often feel that they are unable to play a useful part in things.
  • They find it more difficult to make decisions.

This puts teachers at a higher risk of emotional exhaustion, mental illness and burnout, with older teachers being more stressed than younger ones. On the other hand, teachers are better able to face up to their problems and are less likely to feel worthless. Lack of self-confidence is about as common amongst teachers as in the population as a whole.

Bar chart displaying differences between teachers and the general population regarding aspects of mental health
Mental health in German teachers and the general public: Comparison of data from Romppel et al. (2013) and Lütke Lanfer et al. (2022); differences were not tested for statistical significance

Researchers recommend systemic prevention

On the basis of their data, the researchers make the following recommendations:

  • The mental health of teachers should be closely monitored in order to recognize which times are the most stressful ones.
  • Teachers or groups of teachers with particularly high levels of stress should be offered and enabled to participate in prevention programmes.
  • Structurally, ways must be found to promote the mental health of teachers and reduce stress.

Pitfalls in everyday implementation

But how can the researchers’ suggestions be implemented in everyday life? There are a few aspects to consider here:

  • Unfortunately, it is often not in the teachers’ best interests to inform their superiors that they are facing mental health issues. It must therefore be ensured that the surveys are completely anonymized and that support programmes can be attended without the knowledge of superiors.
  • If teachers take up offers of help on the basis of mental health monitoring, this may, again, lead to stigmatisation as anonymisation would be removed. A more reasonable approach might be an implementation of prevention programmes for all teachers, and within their working hours. Supervision, intervision and prevention programmes must become part of the everyday life of teachers – regardless of the amount of acute psychological stress.
  • Required structural changes affect many areas that pose a risk to mental health: Number of working hours, work intensification due to more and more non-teaching activities, number of contacts due to increasing class sizes, lack of self-determination.

Above all, however, it must be recognized that teachers face more mental health challenges than the general population. Thus, any teacher experiencing stress realizes that they are no exception. Ideally, an understanding of the situation would lead to more open discourse on mental health amongst teaching staff.

Lütke Lanfer, S. S., R. Pfeifer, C. Lahmann & A. Wünsch (2022). How to Measure the Mental Health of Teachers? Psychometric Properties of the GHQ-12 in a Large Sample of German Teachers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 9708.

Romppel, M., E. Braehler, M. Roth & H. Glaesmer (2013). What is the General Health Questionnaire-12 assessing? Dimensionality and psychometric properties of the General Health Questionnaire-12 in a large scale German population sample. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 54(4), 406-413.